
степ, де бігають зайці, фазани, а дехто навіть бачив лисиць. ч. 1
a steppe with rabbits and pheasants running around, and where some even saw foxes. part 1

photo project | 2019

The project explores the contrasting perceptions of the landscapes of Donbas, an industrial region in Ukraine. The first part of the project presents archives of various types of coal and minerals from the collection of the Lysychansk Museum of Coal Industry. However, unlike the official exhibition, this re-imagined archive includes samples of mine spoil, highlighting the contrast between what is considered valuable and what is not. The other archive consists of samples collected from the base of the soil heap, with their value remaining uncertain. 

available on Creating Ruins.



The photo project was presented within Modeling an online project of the Laboratory of Contemporary Art at the Mala Gallery of Mystetskyi Arsenal. It aimed to explore the medium of photography and its possibilities of representation in a context of instability and limited access to physical space during the pandemic.

Modeling (at the Mala Gallery of Mystetskyi Arsenal).
As of March 2025, the city of Lysychansk is under russian occupation.

© Daryna Mamaisur, 2025